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Salem Spring Children's Musical

Join us for Salem's Spring 2013 Children's Musical…

The Amazing Grace Race – In His Steps…in my shoes!

Salem has a great tradition of presenting Children's musicals each Spring.
Kids of all ages join together to prepare a message of faith in song with a
fun beat and dialogue. Musicals have speaking parts and solos for
individuals as well as whole group songs, and most songs are choreographed
with motions, dance movements, or sign language. Salem children's choirs
provide the backbone for the musical, but participation in the musical is
optional. Kids who are not in choir are also welcome.

Music books and CDs have been ordered and will be here soon.

Most children learn the musical by listening to the CD over and over.

Saturday morning rehearsals teach the choreography to songs, the staging,
and the lines for the characters of the musical. Please be thinking of
whether your child would like to participate in the musical this year. Check
the schedule below and say "yes" to The Amazing Grace Race!

Weekly Saturday 10 a.m. To Noon rehearsals Feb. 9th thru April 13th
(None March 30th, Easter Saturday)
· Speaking part & Solo auditions Wed. Feb. 6th – 6:00 p.m. Choir Room
· Musical presented 5:00 Sat. April 20th & 10:30 Sun. April 21st for
Salem Worship services
· DeKalb Co. Rehab presentation Wed. April 24th 6:30 p.m.

Contact or 815-895-9171

The Amazing Grace Race is all about the "race of life"—all believers are
participants! Life is full of mountains and valleys, sharp turns and detours
The key to running the Race successfully? Strive to follow Jesus' example
each and every day. This musical is
Based on Hebrews 12:1 and the "Heroes of the Faith" passage found in Hebrews

Coach, Reporter, Spud, Annie, Riley, Anthony, Bella, Jacob,
Kids 1 and 2, Reader, and Choir