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Rehearsal Time Change for Spring Musical

Rehearsal Time Change for Salem's Spring 2013 Children's Musical…

The Amazing Grace Race – In His Steps…in my shoes!

Saturday rehearsals have been changed to the afternoon to avoid conflicts
with other activities.

Music books and CDs are available now! 815-895-9171 church 815-895-8521 cell

The Amazing Grace Race is all about the "race of life"—all believers are
Life is full of mountains and valleys, sharp turns and detours. The key to
running the
Race successfully? Strive to follow Jesus' example each and every day. This
musical is
Based on Hebrews 12:1 and the "Heroes of the Faith" passage found in Hebrews

Coach, Reporter, Spud, Annie, Riley, Anthony, Bella, Jacob, Kids 1 and 2, Reader, and Choir