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Carol Sampler Celebrates the Savior in Salem Christmas Cantata Dec. 11-12

A devotional musical treat awaits those who worship Sat. Dec. 11th at 5:00 p
m. And Sun. Dec. 12th at 10:30 a.m. As Salem Lutheran choirs, handbells,
orchestra, and narrators celebrate the gift of a Savior in song. Created by
composer Joel Raney, "A Thrill of Hope" centers on melodic themes from the
beloved carol "O Holy Night" with tunes from a myriad of other hymns and
carols, introduced by thoughtful narration.

Four movements lead the pace from contemplation to celebration in frequently
changing meter, key, and tune: A Thrill of Hope includes Long Ago Prophets
Knew, Sing We Now of Christmas, The First Noel, and Come, Thou Long Expected
Jesus. A Gift of Love includes Love Came Down at Christmas, Angels from the
Realms of Glory, Love Divine, all Loves Excelling, Away in a Manger, and The
Gift of Love.

Salem Children's Choirs introduce the third movement, A Prayer for Peace,
including Silent Night, Let there be Peace on Earth, and O Holy Night.

The cantata concludes with the fourth movement, A Song of Joy, including
Rejoice, Mary Had a Baby, Angels we have Heard on High, Hark! The Herald
Angels Sing, Joy to the World, and Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!

Carla Vanatta, Salem Associate in Ministry, directs the cantata assisted by
Michael Kasper and Merideth Weber. Ronald Vanatta, Salem organist,
accompanies the choir on piano. Orchestral musicians include Jennifer Cobb
and Susan Herrmann, flute, Leif Anderson, trombone, Jenna Hoffman, cello,
Michael Kasper and Denny Vaupel, percussion, and violinists Corinne and Owen
Ruff and Rotary Foreign Exchange Student, Annie Chen from Taiwan.

Salem Creative Arts groups involved include Cherub Choir, Salem Choristers,
Disciple Song, Celebration Voices, and Sounds of Grace Bells assisted by
additional singers from the congregation and community.

The music for A Thrill of Hope Christmas Cantata was gifted as a Singing
Memorial in memory of Cathryn Hindenburg by her daughter, Carol Boise.
Though it has the same title as DeKalb's Celebration Chorale presentation
Dec. 4-5, the composer and content is different.
Worship will also include a brief presentation by Salem Puppeteers at the
Children's Sermon, lighting of the Advent wreath, prayer, hymns, and Holy
Communion. All are welcome at the Lord 's Table.